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How to realistically make S/mileage more popular

Posted by Lurkette, in Matome, Translations 28 November 2013 · 678 views

1: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/28(月) 21:54:41.25 0
I want one Maeda-class 3rd generation member.

I believe that Sasaki stands out the most among the Eggs.
Of course Hama-chan and Makino-chan are cute, too, but I think they're the sort of cute that takes a little while to notice and pick up on their characters.
If we're talking just straight cuteness, it's got to be Sasaki. It doesn't matter if it's a video or a picture, she looks especially cute by normal standards.
Even her antis preface their comments with "She's definitely cute, but..."
If they have just one person like that then the group's recognition and popularity will surely increase.

It's definitely the case that looks determine an idol's success,
and the original 4-member S/m won the newcomer award,
but having Dawa (who now feels like she's past her peak) and Maeda with such eye-catching looks in the group was a huge factor

I doubt OOclo would have gotten as popular as they are if their center were ugly.
Without a doubt S/m has a collection of girls with good characters right now, so they have some aspect about them that will make ordinary people get into them if they see them again and again.
But for that reason, they have to bring in a girl who is without a doubt and undeniably adorable to grab people's attention.
I think there's a great possibility that Sasaki will join MM, and if that happens then S/m will have to choose a new member from the other Eggs.
I don't think they'll be able to grow at all as a group in terms of popularity or recognition then.

2: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/28(月) 21:55:01.34 0

8: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/28(月) 21:58:01.83 0
The 3rd gen members don't have to be outstanding talents.
They just have to blow in a new wind of change.

24: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/28(月) 22:03:21.43 0
Well, good or bad, because it's H!P
if they don't get a major break then they won't suddenly fall back down in popularity, either.

26: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/28(月) 22:04:09.45 0
So that they don't lose to J=J in terms of style,
they should return to their roots and fight in mini-skirts.
Also put Fuu-chan back in.

40: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/28(月) 22:40:53.77 0
They need to return to a Koibuu setlist.

Everyone with a tonkatsu [pork cutlet] call!!

47: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/28(月) 23:46:27.93 0
Rinapu~ is really popping out.

87: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 00:43:07.75 0
Katsuta bathing suit

94: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 00:51:32.98 0
The 6 members they have now are the best so they're fine as they are.

98: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 00:56:01.01 0
Lately I like S/mileage but it takes way too long to start to like them.

100: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 00:59:04.47 0
I've been following MM for the past 3 years and occasionally an S/m video would mix in there, which I watched with loathing, but I've finally come to the point where I've started liking them.

102: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:00:40.95 0
I don't believe you can start liking them before seeing them in person.
Like if you see them on TV or listen to their songs then it's hard to develop an interest just because you can't see their skill level from that

106: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:02:24.97 0
I started like them recently, too.
But it took about 3 years.
Their videos started to trickle in with the MM ones and I started paying more and more attention and I think I might have been brainwashed, actually.

117: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:10:55.30 0
It's because a lot more people like MM, right?
They're a similar H!P unit, so from the time they started their faces would always pop up in the corner.
Just having that is a huge advantage.

122: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:15:48.37 0
That's definitely a possibility.

103: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:00:46.43 0
If they don't get popular then they'll never do a solo tour in my region
(the painful cry of a regional wota)

112: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:07:25.21 i
I started really liking them with Yattaruchan, then I went back and watched their other videos and liked them more, and then I went to see a Hello!Con and I liked them even more

115: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:08:20.46 0
If you started liking them at Yattaruchan you're probably a MeiMei wota?

114: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:08:17.76 0
They should do a free performance at Budokan.
So then they could make all the wota know how much fun their lives are and they'd get lots of fans!

116: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:09:47.21 0
Moreso than their songs or members or performances, there are likely a lot of people who are only interested in the business side of things, what they'll do next and such.

That's why threads like these keep popping up.

141: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:24:32.22 0
I won't say it out loud but I think there are those among the wota who honestly are fine with where their popularity is right now.

146: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:26:56.78 0
I think so, too.

If they mess with the members just to get popular then I won't be happy.

149: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:27:40.85 0
If they get popular then as idols they'll inevitably have to get farther and farther away from the fans.

148: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:27:14.47 0
If some major entertainer were to become a S/m follower then I'd really be grateful...

160: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:32:25.63 0
Michishige for 3rd gen S/m!

170: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:35:45.64 0
That's so ridiculous it might work, I thought, but...

That would only attract current wota, not the general public.

162: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:32:42.50 0
They should only have as many members as is successful.
I like the current 6 members so I don't want them to start graduating and adding.

175: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:37:29.69 0
If they increase members then the reality is that wota just have to adapt to that.
Everyone complained over and over that the Momusu 10th gen auditions were held too soon, but
now we don't doubt it for a second

206: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:46:08.93 0
There aren't enough pairings within the group, I think.
I'm not trying to sound like a fujoshi, but it gets boring without that element.

211: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:46:58.75 0
Everyone is good friends so it's fine to me.

239: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:55:02.44 0
I guess that's true.
They're always giggling and stuff together, but there's absolutely no sense of them clinging to each other or flirting or anything.
It's dull.

250: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 01:58:43.01 0
Frankly I think their popularity would shoot up if they added Rikako.
Can you imagine it?
Up until now their fans have gotten irritated with their lack of exposure, but with Rikako
they would have more blogs, more lives, more media (Hello!Sta, satoyama, etc.) appearances so their exposure would more or less increase.
And Rikako would get pulled into the joke and messing around with her sempai members.
Wouldn't it be the best?

262: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 02:01:11.69 0
Their cool songs are rather annoying with how they remove the smiles they're named for.
They should do a song that gets everyone really excited and moving.
In the song there should be individual solo parts as an introduction so it's easier for new people to get into them.

279: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 02:05:52.60 0
I just really want to see them performing on a large stage and having a lot of fun singing.

301: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 02:18:55.41 0
No matter how many amazing songs they put out it doesn't work.
Even if they emphasized visuals more their gravure work would barely increase.
The first gen, who generally had better visuals and songs, were still lying in obscurity.

They should just proclaim, "We don't care about TV."

306: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 02:20:54.86 0
Well, the biggest is still TV appearances.
At the end of the day idols aren't competing based on songs but on faces.

But if no matter how good-looking they are, if they don't go on TV there's nothing they can do.

319: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 02:28:22.88 0
The Banchou concert was the highlight of the 6-member S/m.

They haven't surpassed that yet this year.

329: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 02:33:25.48 0
Wouldn't that be a problem with the agency?
The members have gotten cuter and gotten more skilled since last year.
If they could have done a standard tour this year they could have made something even better than Banchou

352: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 02:48:08.27 0
I want them to stop pushing their faces forward so dramatically when they don't sell tickets.
There's no way they can keep doing that over and over again and still have it work.

375: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 02:59:29.16 0
I tried comparing Momoclo and AKB but it's useless.
It took them a lot of time to start selling like they do.
Ordinarily they come from a place of almost burning out and then for some mysterious reason rising back up with a sudden burst of strength.
S/mileage was the opposite and started out slowly but surely falling back down.

381: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 03:02:24.59 0
I don't think they'd be doing what they're doing if there were some surefire way to get popular.
If they just keep going headstrong as they are then somehow they might be able to find their way.

407: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 03:15:19.14 0
There aren't any signs of S/mileage starting to pick up sales, but
there weren't any signs for MM, Berryz, C-ute, or JJ, either.

409: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 03:16:24.46 0
MM is having a petit break, though.

412: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 03:18:38.48 0
I don't think we should be thinking of ways for S/mileage to reach AKB's level.
Wouldn't it be better to think of what they should do just to get a tour like other groups?

417: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 03:24:29.03 0
H!P's other groups are selling not to normal people like other units but to H!P wota.
If you think like that then I feel like the talk in this thread would seriously change.
That's exactly why something might happen if they brought in some KSS members, since the agency would force them all down our throats.

425: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 03:35:23.20 P
I think S/mileage should honestly have the sort of attitude that Up Up Girls have with their work.
What does everyone else think?

447: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 03:52:17.53 0
Out of all the BerryKyuuSuma songs that I like, S/m has the most.
I want them to work their hardest.

530: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 04:16:17.03 0
This would be so much simpler if popularity was just based on skill.

533: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 04:17:09.22 0
Idol skills include looks and behavior so it wouldn't be that much simpler at all lol

645: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 04:42:56.50 0
That's more of the total package rather than skill

534: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 04:17:25.45 0
People become fans first and then go to their lives.

So skill isn't really that important.
It's good enough to make MVs that show off their personalities and appearance well.

536: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 04:17:45.03 0

588: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 04:34:02.78 0
We can stop with the Rikako talk.
She's definitely not getting into S/mileage.

593: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 04:34:51.35 0
If by any chance she got in the impact would be huge.
There's no mistaking that she would at least get the attention of other H!P wota.

605: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 04:36:39.45 0
It's not even the case that they sold particularly well when Yuukarin was there.

652: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 04:44:34.74 0
On the contrary, I think adding more members would be bad.
I think they should try to build more fans with the current members.

664: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 04:46:25.09 0
It's a tough cycle because S/m wota are such sticklers for performance
Do you want Ricchan to be added to that specialized sort of comical performance?

694: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 04:54:39.55 0
You keep talking about looks but the idol world you're all talking about is a niche field.
No matter how good looking a member you put in the number of overall wota won't increase and furthermore their popularity won't increase.

709: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 04:58:45.47 0
That might be,

but if you have a member who isn't good-looking then no matter how many more wota you get then they still won't be popular.

789: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 05:26:39.54 0
You're saying the 3rd gen should be cute girls, but
if they put in an overwhelmingly cute girl who takes all the popularity,

then the other members will no longer be able to keep their positions.

If there really is that sort of popular member then it would be better to not put them in S/mileage but to make them the main member of a newly-formed group in the distant future.

795: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 05:28:45.54 0
Everyone is friendly so that sort of fight won't happen.
They wouldn't change from how they are now; they're not the types to disregard the individual parts they're given and aggressively complain about where they've been put.
That's the true value of S/mileage's name as a group, and so I don't think that your argument is practical in this case.

804: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 05:31:21.98 0
So if they're cute everything will come up roses?

851: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 05:46:42.55 0
Are there still people thinking of how the individual members turn out?
The clear strength of an idol group is not determined by the individuals but by the power of all of them collectively.

865: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 05:50:14.66 0
I wonder if Hyadain won't wrote some songs for H!P because he respects Tsunku,
and I mean now his popularity is really fading but don't you think he could revive S/m with just a single hit song?

873: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 05:52:53.66 0
But it's not that S/mileage makes bad songs and so they don't sell.
Switching out for Hyadain is pointless.

879: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 05:54:52.98 0
Everything is a Tsunku-song so it won't ultimately make any difference.
I want new fans to see S/mileage and choose them as their favorites.

924: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 06:09:50.44 0
Oh hey let's think of a plan to make the current 6 popular really are you stupid

938: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 06:16:26.11 0
It's all just stuff we'd like to imagine could happen.

Oh they should do this or oh they should do that, it's all for fun, a joke thread.

948: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 06:21:35.82 O
If they make some dream configuration of members for the wota, it will still only be the wota who are happy and they won't be "popular."
H!P is one big pie that wota all take pieces of.
If they can't sell outside of that then they aren't "selling" at all.
There isn't one unit in the company that has been a great outside sales success.

970: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 06:28:42.31 0
Even being a joke thread, the title is still "How to realistically."
Simple crazy ideas like getting rid of Terada are boring.

975: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 06:29:15.14 0
It looks like there's also talk of making Momoko co-producer.
Surprisingly I think that might work.

982: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 06:32:02.05 P

985: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 06:33:18.66 0
This is the first time I've heard that but it almost seems plausible now.

986: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/29(火) 06:33:18.70 0
My simple suggestion made a thread grow this much....


A very weird mix of actual and joke suggestions, and it's slightly hard to tell the difference between the two. A fun game to play with this one, though, is "match the comments to the H!O user," since many of these are very close to what a few of us would actually say.

I've said they should put Rikako in S/mileage. 


People might actually agree with that. X D

I guess I'll follow a theme and say #87... Take one for the team Rina.

I would love to see Hyadain write a song for S/mileage!! Not like that would ever happen though.

Also, I agree with 262 about the cool songs taking away their smiles. Cool S/mileage is okay too, but I feel like S/mileage is the most suited group in H!P right now to have songs that fill you with energy. Yattaruchan/Atarashii Watashi Ni Nare is a great single because it shows both of those sides.

yeah i am hoping for a third gen soon.

their single sales are rising and adding new members will make it EXPLODE!