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Public apologies to the fandom - Aitor

Posted by AitorKamei, 15 September 2014 · 1703 views

morning musume apologies

Hi, well, I’m the well-known Aitor. I’m not well-known because of my good actions. I know it’s the complete opposite. I want to explain my situation first:

This year hasn’t been my year at all… It’s been stressful, chaotic, hard and desperating. When things are like that I just get angry at everything, I’m just like this (I’ve discovered that this year, never been this way before).

Today, after all the struggling, I’ve reached my goal. I’ve been announced that I’m accepted in the university I worked hard and suffered for to be in. That’s why I felt it was time to say I’m sorry.

Because of all this stress and all this desperation, I harshly attacked both Kanon and Ikuta in the internet. During June-July I really wrote the worst things I could ever write… And looking back to those comments I can’t help but feel really bad about it. “They’re humans too, they do their best too, they suffer like I’ve been suffering all this time, they have fans who support them and some of those fans need them in their lives to have a smile in their faces everyday”, that’s all I’ve thought. What happened to me? I’ve had this question in my head during some weeks now that everything has gotten more and more peaceful here. I’ve said bad things too recently, but the situation was chaotic until…. some days ago. Today I’m back to who I really am. A loving, peaceful person who doesn’t like hate and fanwars in general.

I’m sorry, everyone, I’m sorry, Zukki and Ikuta. I’m very very very very sorry, from the bottom of my heart, I promise. I don’t really like Zukki or Ikuta that much since a lot of time ago, but I like them as well, as members of Morning Musume. I have to recognize they’ve made me smile during these days as well, when I actually felt like crying. I feel that Morning Musume members are the only ones with that power. Ikuta and Zukki as well, they are members I actually like from the group, not as much as the others, but I like them. I know you won’t believe this words, but it’s the truth for me…..I hope you can forgive me…. I know it’s difficult to forget all the things I’ve said, but I really want you to forgive me…

If you felt like a comment about a member that is not Ikuta or Zukki, I’d like to forgive as well as it wasn’t my intention… But appart from Ikuta or Zukki… I haven’t said bad thing about other members.

Because of all these comments, people have created the wrong image of who I actually am and I’ve been scared about this because if I ever go to a Hello Pro concert in France or wherever, I don’t want to be looked as if I were some kind of demon… I don’t want to be looked by you all as if I were what I am not. I really enjoy to have fun with people who like the same things as I do, so I’d like to socialize without people having bad prejudices about me. I know that, in part, it’s my fault because of those comments I did in the past and that I promise I won’t do in the future.

I feel like there are a lot of things I’d like to say but… well, I don’t really remember….

I hope you forgive me because I promise you that I’m very apologetical about my actions. I hope you like and accept my real self…

With all due respect


Wow that took a lot of courage to write an apology to the fandom, good for you :) I hope people accept your apology. Stress can really bring out the worse in people.

People diss idols/groups/whatever on forums all the time and you're entitled to your opinion, so if a few middle-schoolers couldn't handle you insulting their precious idol, that's not exactly your problem. It's nice that you took the time to apologize, but it's not a bad thing to have a negative opinion on someone, especially Ikuta, since she's pretty awful. Not all hello project fans are butt-hurt children, so I don't think you have anything to worry about even if you didn't apologize. If someone would demonize you just because you don't like their idol, they're probably not worth hanging out with anyhow. Just keep doing you, whichever "you" that you choose to be that day.

Well TheAnna18 I don't think you get it at all. This isn't about "butt-hurt children", an immature phrase itself, it's about Aitor taking a look at his own behavior and not liking what he saw. That happens sometimes, people take a moment or two to reflect on their own actions and find they have failed to live up to their own expectations.

I haven't seen any of these negative things he apparently said but I admire when someone resolves to be a better person.



It is very good to have the ability to be honest about oneselves, to understand our own capacity and capability. It is through knowing ourselves in our daily lives, that we able to become better people, because if we notice something in ourselves that we don't like, we can change. If we don't know, or worse, don't care, how can there be change? 


So good on you Aitor. 

Everyone makes mistakes. It is important that you recognize that you were wrong and unnecessarily cruel. This is a good step towards becoming the person you are again, and the type of fan you want to be. I understand that stress, depression, among other things can really change a person's personality. Good for you to recognize and change this! It's not easy, but it's worth it. It takes a lot of hard work and bravery to commit to working on being better. I hope you feel better now. 

I'm not even the biggest fan of Zukki or Eripon, but your comments really made me mad. Seeing this is a relief. I like when people can admit they were doing bad things.




 if I ever go to a Hello Pro concert in France or wherever, I don’t want to be looked as if I were some kind of demon… 

I'll probably be there and if I recognize you, I won't judge you. This post was enough to make me forget about the bad things.

which kanon? and do you really think they're fat? as in hideously fat?

which kanon? and do you really think they're fat? as in hideously fat?


I never said things about her weigh as it's not important for me.

People diss idols/groups/whatever on forums all the time and you're entitled to your opinion, so if a few middle-schoolers couldn't handle you insulting their precious idol, that's not exactly your problem. It's nice that you took the time to apologize, but it's not a bad thing to have a negative opinion on someone, especially Ikuta, since she's pretty awful. Not all hello project fans are butt-hurt children, so I don't think you have anything to worry about even if you didn't apologize. If someone would demonize you just because you don't like their idol, they're probably not worth hanging out with anyhow. Just keep doing you, whichever "you" that you choose to be that day.

Lol?  Whatever did Ikuta do to you to give this image of her of being "awful"?  Your advice is completely off the mark, Aitor understands that you don't just go to some thread and bash them just because you don't like them simply because they rub you the wrong way.  I understand not every idol is our cup of tea but doesn't give us any right to go out of our way to stir trouble just because we are all entitled to our own opinion.  Anyways, I never saw you post any harmful things (I did recentely join) about either member but I did hear about you but seeing you taking the time to write this for us, I guess I have nothing to worry about for now on.

Everyone has their own opinions on things and on the internet we feel more empowered to share and push our opinions and ideas on others where in real life we likely would not be that pushy or aggressive. Everyone around here at some time or another becomes unreasonable it's almost expected just now and again people cross a line and it gets sorted out. It's not really a minority either myself I've crossed lines a few times and made people angry but at concerts in Paris when i met people from here they were all really nice to me and in real life I'm a lot different of course. Not a demon just a very nice quiet guy XD. I think it'd be the same for you even if you are opinionated here in real life you are probably like everyone else i met from here just really nice and just as obsessed with idols as i am.

I wouldn't let the comments from others bother you too much people can be just as defensive about the idols they like as they are aggressive about the idols they don't like so no need to take anything people say to heart. The only people you ever have to listen to are the ones who run the website and forum because if they are talking to you privately then you probably actually did something wrong XD.

Mad props to TheAnna18 for keeping it real! (Even though she's completely missing the point of Aitor's post, lol!)

Lol?  Whatever did Ikuta do to you to give this image of her of being "awful"?  Your advice is completely off the mark, Aitor understands that you don't just go to some thread and bash them just because you don't like them simply because they rub you the wrong way.  I understand not every idol is our cup of tea but doesn't give us any right to go out of our way to stir trouble just because we are all entitled to our own opinion.

I honestly have no clue what "horrible" things Aitor said, so I don't know how exactly he crossed the line, but I do know that a lot of fans here tend to overreact to criticism of their favorite group/idols. Expressing a negative opinion doesn't mean you're trying to cause trouble, and I think it'd do the H!O community good to grow up a little and handle opposing opinions better. And on the off-chance someone is trying to get a rise out of people by being insulting, the other forum members should know better than to feed the trolls.

My impression from this post is that he isn't publicly apologizing because he felt bad about insulting idols, but mostly because he's scared of becoming an outcast in the community. If he really cares about how his actions have affected others and wants to be a bit more chill with expressing his opinions, then good for him. If he wants to be more outspoken and accepts that his opinion isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea, then good for him. I only encourage him to do whatever it is that feels true to himself.

Maybe my reply seems a bit off topic, but I just think it's not cool when people feel like they're not allowed to express themselves out of fear for being reprimanded, ostracized, etc. There's nothing wrong with having a different opinion, I think the differences in how people think and feel make the world beautiful and exciting. If we all felt the same way, life would get boring pretty fast.

So yeah, just do you.


I think all idols are very different in private than they are in public since by definition they play a character as an idol. Some could be mean there have been rumors about past members attitudes in private. Dunno about Eripon though the only time i saw her look kind of mean was during that surprise wake up prank thing there was a moment where Fukuchan is bimbling around and misses one of her lines and Eripon kind of jabs her in the back hard and looks angry at her XD. Maybe she just takes pride in her performances and doesn't want to let the fans down she learned from Niigaki who was the same lol.

You made a lot of comments about Ikuta that made me upset many times, to the point where I felt great urges to retaliate with my opinions of Maachun (because she isn't my favorite member of MM), so thank you for apologizing. Everyone gets stressed out so don't feel so down about it. ^_^


Oh and congrats on your uni placement! 

Lol?  Whatever did Ikuta do to you to give this image of her of being "awful"?  Your advice is completely off the mark, Aitor understands that you don't just go to some thread and bash them just because you don't like them simply because they rub you the wrong way.  I understand not every idol is our cup of tea but doesn't give us any right to go out of our way to stir trouble just because we are all entitled to our own opinion.

I honestly have no clue what "horrible" things Aitor said, so I don't know how exactly he crossed the line, but I do know that a lot of fans here tend to overreact to criticism of their favorite group/idols. Expressing a negative opinion doesn't mean you're trying to cause trouble, and I think it'd do the H!O community good to grow up a little and handle opposing opinions better. And on the off-chance someone is trying to get a rise out of people by being insulting, the other forum members should know better than to feed the trolls.

The thing is, Aitor has said some insulting stuff, that makes the fandom dislike him at times. Just because you don't see it, does not mean that it has not happened.

It has nothing to do with being immature. If Aitor said some stuff like "Ikuta is a bad singer/dancer, and has a bad personality", I wouldn't even care. But the fact is, he crossed the line and said insulting things. This has nothing to do with them being an idol, really. Like... You shouldn't insult people, regardless of if they're an idol or an ordinary person, especially if you wouldn't want to be insulted yourself.

So you should really stop.

As to Aitor, I'm glad that you have owned up to your actions. And I forgive you. I think it's very mature of you, and congratulations on university!