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Morning Musume pet peeves

Posted by Kitsuiko, 14 January 2013 · 1718 views

oda sakura suzuki kanon fat graduations line distribution
What are some of your Morning Musume pet peeves?

I think my biggest one is that Kanon is fat. Seriously compare her thighs to Fukumura's in the shots where she's wearing enough or compare their arms. They're actually the same size; the only difference I can see is a stomach being drawn back for better posture and showing off her body. Kanon's modesty adds about 10 pounds.

I also dislike the "But why isn't Morning Musume fair!" complaint or the "No one else gets..." argument. Did everyone just forget that Ayumi was also in the front in One Two Three and Fukumura moved fully up to center in Help Me!! from being... well, frankly in the middle - Fukuhime was featured pretty prominently. Masaki usually is pretty prominent, too - she and Ayumi have had back up harmonies on everything since Renai Hunter above and beyond the other girls. Iikubo got to be on shows solo to model and show off hair and beauty just like Kudou and Masaki got to do the same for radio and interview. There's 11 girls; some of which are frankly stronger at some things than others. It's "fair" to let Iikubo lead a dance break instead of Ayumi. It's "fair" to let Erina sing a solo version of Furusato. It's "fair" to put Riho solo on a variety show... But... shouldn't the people who are the best be more at the front? I mean, already we have our "secondary voices" girls having a great deal more lines than the Takahashi era. Are we that bitter from the only-Takahashi period that unless it's a huge chorus we can't notice that more girls are getting more parts? Seriously the distribution is slowly spreading out. We're cool.

Also, seriously, did anyone else notice how LITTLE Reina was featured in the video for Help Me!!

Graduation hate. Okay, I get it for Aika - she graduated JUST as she was coming into her own and starting to develop the personality she never was encouraged under the sad!Musume period. But, Gaki? Reina? Count the girl's age up; when she gets around 23 or so every year is a potential year for graduation. And, that's fair because most of the girls have been doing this for 8 to 10 years by then. Imagine 8 years of not having any control of your image, how you sing, what promotions you do, what the songs are about, who is here with you, etc. If that isn't working, imagine that you had 10 years of your parents still choosing your outfits and your friends and what you ate like you were in elementary school. Sure you're not going to care when you're a kid and frankly some of the choices are fun and you like them... but, if you're an older performer you're going to want to be your own performer. Sayumi is probably not going to graduate until Fukumura's 18 and can be leader or co-leader with Iikubo somewhere in 2015. Three years later Iikubo is likely to graduate. 2019-2020 is likely for Fukumura to graduate - I have no idea who's leader next between Kudou and Ikuta but given their relative ages it seems likely for Kudou who will be 20, has senority from the Eggs and will be in MoMusu longer than Ikuta (who reaches likely graduation age the next year or Ayumi who reaches it the year after). 2022 for Suzuki and Riho. And if we're very lucky we'll all be irritatedly listening to a batch of young fans complaining about how everyone's graduating all at once and sighing that they didn't do the math to realize girls all around the same age will tend to do that.

Tsunku hate. I know people need some Machiavelli figure to blame for all of this but why on earth would you pick Tsunku? Unless you hate all of the girls, he's the guy behind picking whoever your favorite is, too. Whether you like the new style of music or not, he's certainly found something popular to boost Morning Musume up again... but he doesn't have 100% control anymore. UFA, for example, was the group with the huge Takahashi fetish and was (and still is) the main source behind the line distributions. He made his own idol group so he could have 100% control; why would you presume he has that with the Hello!Project -- people tend to not leave and create their own thing that they already have.

Sakura isn't that good of a singer -or- the Sakura hype is unfounded. Compare her to Takahashi or Niigaki.

Yes, we've confirmed that after ten years of training and working at a job you will generally be better with someone who hasn't had ten years of training and working at a job. But that's not what we should be looking at:

This is 12 year old Takahashi

Of course here as Lurkette showed back awhile ago you have 13/14 year old Takahashi at 1:00 and 12 year old Niigaki at 1:21

That is similarly aged Sakura.

Let's go a step further to Suzuki Airi. It's not something I talk about but I catagorize Airi in a sad, lonely group of singers that could have been amazing but had too many leads and not enough training. Takahashi may have lead a lot but at her start she was actually only used a bit and she had a great group to help teach her. Same with Niigaki. Reina only juuuust pushed past that plateau. This is really a huge sin of the BerryKyu family: I love Miyabi but I know her voice is basically serviceable not amazing. Same really goes for everyone though on occasion when singing down in a register that's more comfortable for them Momoko and Risako have both surprised me. Airi is who I'm focusing on because Airi was supposed to be a great singer when she first got here. Airi is now a pretty okay singer. A sound that comes utterly from her throat that is still pleasant but no where as good as her youth would have suggested she could be.

Sakura is not Airi.

Both of them are pretty incredible at their age but in the end, Airi is like someone who was a fast runner but didn't have a whit about her running form whereas Sakura clearly had someone put rubber bands on her elbows to her hand to keep her arms in proper form, who stands up but forward, who knows her stride.

When I say Sakura is an incredible singer I'm only half referring to the pleasant sound she makes. What I'm speaking towards is her beautiful form when she sings. I can hear where her air comes from when she sings, I can see how she changes her breathing to do what she needs to do. Because of this I know the chances of her doing well in the long run are greater than someone without as good form - they may be quick as all get out but eventually skill will surpass talent.

^ I don't think you quite understand the nature of this post.

My personal peeves:

"The PV/costumes/hairstyles/covers are awful, this single will fail." -- As if any of those things are serious predictors of sales, not to mention that no single has really "failed," in the true sense of the word.

"Riho is permanently center because she's the only reliable singer. Who else could possibly be as great as her?" --Anyone. Anyone at all. Riho cracks and squeaks and strains her voice about as much as any average 13 year old trying to sing like a 22 year old. Sayumi is more reliable. Heck, knock Haruna all you want for her lack of vocal skill, but the girl knows where her range is and she stays well within it, even adjusting to situations where she knows she won't be able to sing without cracks. All the girls have their vocal flaws because they're young and untrained, but Riho's constant strain is almost as annoying as the people heralding her as the second Nacchi/Goto/Ai/whatever and claiming that people who dislike anything about her are too biased and full of hate to see it.

"They haven't done anything good since [anything pre-2011]." --I don't believe you're a fan any longer and you should realize that, please take your leave.

"Kanon is fat" is an obvious one, though, for most all people who understand what fat looks like. Goodness, I even saw some people saying Riho looked chubby. Madness.
Yes, the "fair" comment does come across as quite aggravating at times. It's mostly about popularity. You want to give exposure to the money-makers or the girls you expect to be money-makers, right? I don't know why people don't understand this.

That's why I think Riho was ultimately picked to be center, she was who people were rooting for in the 9th gen audition. UFP knew Takahashi was leaving, and they knew they were gonna need someone to replace her as double ace with Reina (or at least start prepping her for the future). Of course Riho wasn't picked for her voice, a lot of centers aren't. It's more about personality and having that "x factor." Riho had charisma, great dancing skills, a passable voice, serious cuteness, and all the fans' support. Push the girl who you know the wotas wanna see.

Another thing that bothers me: when people claim that Zukki is such a great singer, and she should be given more lines because her voice is soo great! Yeah, her tone is nice, and she sounds absolutely wonderful in recordings, but I don't think I've seen a single live where Zukki's performance really impressed me. Haruka, Masaki, and Fukumura show some real talent there.
Kanon is definitely one for me. Age within the members is another yet it is not their age that bothers me but more of the fact they are younger than me and heading to children born in 2000 ;___;

Tsunku hate is ridiculous!
Oh, I remembered another:

"Stop hating! You're such a hater!"--Perhaps this is not exclusively limited to MM, but it's certainly prevalent here. Any criticism about anything, especially a member or a song with particularly vehement fans, is "hating" and whoever said it is a "hater." Never mind that relatively few people actually hate any of these things and are simply adding to the discussion, but every time I see a comment saying, "I don't care for x because y," there's another underneath going, "How dare you can you even see/hear why wouldn't you like it you should like it because a and b and c." Healthy discussion is one thing, but attacking others on the basis of a faulty notion of hate is unreasonable.

This has become particularly bothersome to me lately with recent outcries of "leave Riho alone." Now, mind you, I have seen people who do actually hold some deep-seated grudge or even hate for her, but most of the people who have something negative to say about her probably have negative things to say about other members as well (I have critiques even for the girls I support the most) and have no particular leaning one way or the other about her. As I mentioned a few times when people were enraged about my comments about Riho's abilities (in singing or otherwise), I wouldn't have nearly as much to say about her if she weren't constantly in the front. People wouldn't say as much about her personality (or lack thereof) if she weren't pushed to be front and center on TV; people wouldn't have as many complaints about her singing if they didn't have to hear her as often as they do. Her fans understand that being the center of attention means that she is a greater target for negative comments, but they attribute these to "haters" and "antis," not people who just aren't as crazy about her and want her or the group to do better. Admittedly, she is adorable, photogenic, and a top-notch dancer, and most people will say so when asked (unless she's not to someone's personal taste, which is also fine and shouldn't be labelled as hate), but she will continue to be criticized for her singing and personality as long as she's one of only two people in the spotlight. Her fans have every right to defend her, but after a certain extent it gets ridiculous, and the constant "hater/hate" attack is driving me up the wall.

Sorry for the slight rant, but I know that Kitsuiko has had similar experiences with defensive fans on this website, so I figured this would be a "safe" space to speak my mind on the subject.
Kanon's chubbiness does seem a bit out of place but I also find it pretty darn cute.

Airi's young voice was very special, I think it's still great but you know she must have felt a bit out of place for a while. Sometimes standing out is uncomfortable. If she goes solo in the future we might see her again putting more passion and complexity into it.
I think the only thing that bugs me about Kanon's chubbiness is the fact that it's affecting her self esteem and thus her television character. All of the things I loved about her are gone because she seems self conscious and sad now. When Yossie was fat, I still loved her because her character never changed. Yossie was always Yossie. <3

The biggest thing that annoys me, though, is that people don't think that Sakura is a great singer, and that Riho is better than she is. It makes me want to ask them if the gutteral and forced sounds coming from Riho's mouth are more pleasant than Sakura's voice. Sakura is 13 and she's already amazing. Her voice literally blows almost everyone in Morning Musume out of the water, and I think that Riho should stay in the front, but take a backseat as a vocalist because she honestly, in all seriousness, needs more lessons.

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