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Will 2008 be the year where 9th generation will pop up?

Posted by Haro!Projektu, 16 December 2007 · 944 views

Hello! Project Topics
OK, well it's already 4 singles with 8th gen. (2 for Junjun 7 Linlin)
I wonder if in 2008, there will start being auditions for Morning Musume 9th generation?I don't know but I feel that Morning Musume should have more members.The largest number of members in MM was 15 now it's down to 9.Maybe I'm used to so many members that I think that there should be more members.

I miss old Momusu!
I like 8th generation Morning Musume, but my favorite Gen that Morning Musume had is 5th gen.Momusu was really memorable in that gen.I actually like all the gens but 5th gen was the best.

Anyway, I think there is a strong possibility that 9th gen will be coming in 2008.Or they will make the auditions in 2008, and have the members by 2009. (like 8th gen.)I hope they don't pick one member in the auditions.I wish Tsunku will pick 4 members in one audition again.Anyway, hope 9th gen will come in 2008!I wonder if the audition will be called Morning Musume 9th Morning audition or Morning Musume Rainbow9 audition.Well, just examples!

★Shining Star★
Dec 18 2007 08:15 AM
I think before you ask for 9th gen they should show more about the 8th gen first. So far there isn't much of them. And it's time to drive them to the beach on Hawaii and give them some sexy swimsuits. There is still no PB of Aika and jun jun with 19years, she got some nice things to show. I think they will wait at least a half year before they make Auditions. Hopefully in Japan this time.
Yeah I agree With Shining. Maybe they should do photobooks of the 8th generation first before they get a new generation. IT will be nice if they do get a new generation but maybe not a the moment. ^^;
Just came across this... wow... more than two years later, and STILL no hint of 9th Generation? Since Koharu now left, it surely is time soon!!??

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