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A Hello!Online Exclusive: Kago Ai's mother is interviewed

Posted by mister.mori, 09 October 2007 · 357 views

Hello! Project
well, these are simply my thoughts and feelings about the article:

A Hello!Online Exclusive: Kago Ai's mother is interviewed

one thing i realized after reading this article is that i don't really like/agree with the opinions of the "regulars" in the W/Kago/Tsuji thread (which is why i'm posting this in my blog and not in that thread). a lot of people were "angry" with what Kago's mother said. i was feeling anything but anger when i was reading the article.

because of the complicated "relationship" i have with my own "father", i was somewhat able to empathize with Kago when i read the part about her family situation. but that aside, i don't really see why people are getting so upset. well...okay...i see "why"...but i simply don't agree with it. yah, i think it's "weird" that she chose to be with such an older guy, but i'm not "angry" about it. whatever her reasons may be, she chose him. i think some of the fans are just upset that she didn't chose them (as if they even had a chance to begin with ^_^ ). a lot of people are also saying this guy is a sleaze-bag etc., which he may be, but, again, this is the guy that Kago chose. so, aren't those fans that are insulting that guy also insulting Kago by saying those things...?...maybe so, maybe not.

anyways, basically i just wanted to say that i was more deeply moved by the story rather than "upset" or even "disappointed"; the stories about her family situation and phone calls to her mom. also, i can't help but think that maybe Kago wanted out of the industry. if that's true, then yah, she probably should have gone about it a different, more "professional" way...but we'll never know for sure unless she explicitly says so.

...well...i probably could go on, but i think i got my main point across...

I agree with you, I mean I have had nothing but respect for Kago. And with her situation and everything, I am holding more respect for her in the sense that she continued being an idol, despite her deep emotional feelings. If anything that article makes me have even more respect for the entertainment industry over in Japan, I mean here in America something like this you really get used to in the sense that it happends so much, that we as American's get desenitized to the scandles that happen in our entertainment industry. Your right also about people being angry that Kago didnt choose them insted of this guy. I am not gonna make this a long, drawn out post since its 2AM, almost 2:30AM here. One last thing I am gonna say is, I am happy I got to see that interview because basically, i know there is alot more than what's on the surface of people in the entertainment, especially those people labeled as stars, or idols, or whatever you wanna call 'em.. Cause theyre all the same. I can just assume that theres something deeper, cause I have this gut feeling there is something even deeper lurking behind yet another curtian.

Like I said, I dont wanna draw this out, so I'am gonna end it here.
<Momusu Ninja Clan stamp of approval>

She chose him and then stuck with him during the poo storm that followed.
End of story really.

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